The research lines of Peter Steeneken focus on realizing novel and improved functions by moving small objects at high-frequencies. For this reason he studies new nanomaterials, like graphene, both for understanding their properties and for creating new devices, in particular sensors. To measure these small motions at high speeds, he develops dedicated optical techniques and experimental setups.
During his career in industry (NXP & Philips), from 2002-2017, he developed a range of micromechanical devices. Now he is taking the next step, creating devices at the nanoscale. He investigates the interactions between the mechanical properties of these devices interact with light, electricity, gases and mechanical and thermal vibrations. He leads a section of over 30 researchers, coordinates the national 4TU Plantenna project on sensors for Agri-Food and is workpackage leader Sensors in the EU Graphene Flagship project.
Scientific interests
- Dynamics and mechanics of micro and nanosystems
- Sensor technologies for agri/food/climate
- Device physics, ultrathin membranes
- Nanodevice fabrication, design, simulation and characterisation
- Micro and nanomechanical systems, semiconductor CMOS devices
- 2D materials & graphene
Models and equipment:
- A range of setups for characterization of the dynamics of nanomechanical systems up to 100 MHz (interferometry, vibrometry, .
- Optical techniques for thermal and mechanical characterization of nanomaterials.
- Device fabrication, FEM simulation & design and characterization