Here we collect the information for the DOC Campus Delft community.

Poster presenter Title & Link
Rudolf Saathof (TU Delft- LR)  Laser satellite communcations at TNO
Dmytro Kolenov (TU Delft) Convolutional neural network for particle classification using scatterometry
Man Xu (TNO) Photothermal of nanoparticles
Sven Weerdenburg (TU Delft-TNW) Lensless Imaging of 3D Nanostructures using Soft X-Rays
Aurèle Adam (TU Delft-TNW) Non Invasive Inspection with T-Ray
Andrei Anisimov (TU Delft-LR) Optical metrology for non-destructive testing
 Peter Harmsma Photonic Integrated Circuits