Optics Netherlands is a national initiative with the aim of jointly strengthening activity in the field of optics: we strive for innovation, research and education in the optical field to inspire each other.
Typical concrete activities of Optics Netherlands are research projects with industrial partners, education programs as well as network events. Together with other universities, HBO and MBO, we are working on increased visibility of optics courses to join forces for a better allignment of education provided for the future optics engineer.
Contacts with Optics NEtherlands partner organizations have shown that the optical “platform technologies” are very widely applicable: in the application areas of Health, (Manufacturing) Industry, Energy / Environment / Semicon/ Lighting/ Climate, and Agriculture; work is done on these areas all over the Netherlands. Both research and application activities in innovative products can grow further if cooperation is intensified and stimulated. y.
Photonics is the key technology that uses the properties of light for a wide range of applications such as sensing, data communication and production technology. Photonics plays a major role in the success of the Dutch high-tech industry and makes an important contribution to solving social challenges, for example by means of climate monitoring.
The photonics market is developing rapidly. The global photonics industry is estimated to grow by 40% over the next five years; with the Netherlands as one of the leaders in the EU. Nearly 300 Dutch companies, a large portion of which are SMEs, work directly on photonics products, with an estimated total turnover of more than 20 billion euros.
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